Drying of wood fuel of shorea robusta (SAL) eugenia jambolana (JAMAN) machilus duthiei (KAULA).
Rehman, M. A.
Drying of wood fuel of shorea robusta (SAL) eugenia jambolana (JAMAN) machilus duthiei (KAULA).
- New Delhi: Manager of Publications. 1941
- 8p.
- Utilisation (New Series), forest bulletin no. 96 .
Forest bulletin, result of three experiments carried out at the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun on the drying of sal, jaman, kaula, percentage loss of weight of wood during storage depends on the season of stacking, and it varies from 25 per cent to 48 per cent of the original weight, material stacked in summer starts from a lower moisture content due to a loss of moisture before stacking resulting from the dry weather conditions, split-wood dries more rapidly than whole billets, etc,